I havent had an accident in 40 yrs and 1 ticket. Then they remove the ability to get rid of those false reports on their website. Otherwise be happy you are getting a discount. However since we had major flooding in the summer and the amount of claims filed by so many our agent explained all rates went up because of that even if we didnt have a claim we all suffer which is such crap. So I only save 13% with Allstate instead of the 30% they told me Id save. Also, the Drivewise website said that it will not increase the premium at any time ever. Your concerns are important to us and we appreciate the opportunity to address them. i only said what they tell me. I am an exceptionally good driver and that comes from my racing background. Sounds awful. It was interesting to see the stats on my driving though and maybe Ill be more aware of it. The only response I received from either of them was insults Pat told me I could cancel my coverage as if she didn\'t care, Juan told me nothing. But insurers like this misconception; they can sell on it by inflating or implying the role of discounts. I told the Drivewise rep that my car didnt move and I got hit with 6 hard braking events. When it comes to your money they will keep transferring you to different departments so they can waste your time and frustrate you into hanging up. Next AllState Rewards Program:Great Deals or Marketing Scam? So even though youre doing the speed limit you could lose a lot more of your discount. For a 3 Havent had any issues with it and I think its helpful. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how these percentages are picked. I have a discount of 19%. Allstates Milewise program isnt widely available yet, although the company is continually adding states as it receives approval from each states insurance department. I guess they should have told you that youd save 15%, and youd be happy with 17%! Other factors, such as our own proprietary website rules and whether a product is offered in your area or at your self-selected credit score range can also impact how and where products appear on this site. copied from GARY above::::: A driver practicing distracted driving will forever be caught off-guard, even while doing a mere 35 mph. The rewards drivers can earn may also vary according to state laws. Can you suggest a good web hosting provider at a fair price? They say I have an A- averagetwo A+ ratings (braking and speed) and two B+ ratings (for time of day & mileageTOTAL miles for this 7 month period is 2,630!!!) If you can feel when the car come to a stop, you breaked too hard and get a bad score. Taking your story at face value that you did nothing wrong and your rates went up. Each car gets a different amount of reward as you do not drive every vehicle exactly the same all the time. I myself have amassed 9 hard braking events in nearly a year of Drivewise. Most driving I do is during the week with little on weekends. The hoops we had to jump through were insane, and at a very difficult time for our family. And I did remove and removed allstate all together. I had liability as a kid (in Oklahoma state laws are different than others) and it was a blessing! Hi, Im not sure if anyone as given allstates view here because there are numerous posts and I didnt have time to read through them. Beware of Drivewise. John,,,,, They took off 2 of my brake events, i had 3 in one minute. Allstate collects your data from the Milewise device. Allstate customers that want a discount on their auto insurance premium in exchange for following safe driving habits. Former Licensed Agent. There was not another car, person, dog or small animal in the vicinity. That is what it started at. Am I expected to slam into the driver in front of me in stop and go traffic? What to do when you lose your 401(k) match. It really just sounds like your agent misled you. I dont need them judging my driving by a stupid gadget. I still stand by drivewise and at the end of my renewal receiving the check even to put gas in the car is nice. The claims process- taking a vehicle to a bump shop, obtaining parts and most if not all companies will use aftermarket parts, the only time factory parts are used is if there is a lienholder/GAP coverage/expanded new car protection that REQUIRE it. In my experience, most of the time when a customer isnt happy with the result, its due to bad explanations by agents. Immediately after enrolling in Drivewise, you qualify for a 10% discount on your car insurance premium. The overall grade is a B and the discount is 3%. Drivewise - Allstate Allstate Drivewise uses telematics to see how well you drive and offers car insurance discounts based on safe driving. good luck with your drivewise.. There are speed, time of day, mileage, and breaking events. I dont typically call someone out but I feel its needed: A driver practicing distracted driving will forever be caught off-guard, even while doing a mere 35 mph. We are good drivers & have received discounts for that until we changed to drivewise & Allstate. They won\'t let you speak with a supervisor, one rattled paper in the phone to get me off of the phone. im going back to the regular paper policy and removing drivewise gadget n sending it back. You could be getting a 0% discount!!! Now for my soap box: There is a lot of room for the insurance company to fraudulent practices using the parameter that nobody can measure or feel except the insurance itself. As you drive and accrue daily and mileage charges, your account pays for these trips. I proposed to her over the weekend. Drivewise is great for drivers who dont put a lot of mileage on their cars, dont speed, and dont drive during peak times. On another note, if your subscribers want to save more on their auto insurance, they should be taking their defensive driving courses every 3 years for 10% off. They keep raising the insurance rates on our facility here every year. The Drivewise application will continue running in the background and will record data while you are driving. Your email address will not be published. Im taking mine out! And the way I was treated by the one Agent! mine were 1 minute before turning my car off, one was 3 extreme in one minute. Your concerns are important to us and we appreciate the opportunity to address them. Yes your vehicles value goes down over time but when you get in an accident they use new parts to fix it. look up towards the top, it will say 30%. Allstate Drivewise is a usage-based insurance program that tracks drivers with a mobile app and rewards them with rewards and a semi-annual rebate for safe driving habits. Do I just hit the deer and turn in a claim????? Swerving techniques and just running over small things are very good suggestions. he couldnt tell me when. Drive wise got me very angry too. My ultimate concern is that I drive about 18-20 miles to and from work (8-5pm type job) on an interstate where the speed limit is 65. Your driving performance is evaluated every six months and you will need to continue demonstrating good driving habits if you wish to maintain your discount. I live in Minnesota and the snow and ice has not been good to my discount! To me, smooth, gentle driving is what taxi drivers excel at. Compare rates from dozens of companies in less than 3 minutes. But, I also have my homeowners insurance and landlords insurance on two rentals with them, so that helps. His past experience writing in small business and personal f Fran Majidi manages content on SmartFinancial's website. About two years ago we had Allstate try to auto add someone to our automobile policy. If you park a vehicle with a battery this small and leave the module plugged in, it would take over a year for it to deplete the battery, if nothing else is going on. Truelane even tracks where you drive in detail. Living in a state full of fires and several homes burning and people being evacuated, price does not affect the way our Allstate Agent handled the situation. However , in mid-late December 2021 , when the app was allowed to be used , they changed the algorithm. 2023 Bankrate, LLC. I just think they shouldnt say you will save 30 percent if the only way to do so is to not drive at all. Also Your drive wise record can be subpoenaed in a serious accident by the police. I managed to rack up 2 extreme braking episodes within one minute and a hard braking a few minutes later all while trying to get unstuck in the alley behind my house. See, thats the stupid shit Im talking about. they automatically took out the payments from my credit card. They are giving you incorrect information!! those snow n ice people were right on the job though.. I disagree with the comment on savings. Amazing! Please allow me to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. on ice it spins a bit getting to where i need to be. you agents need to get together on this A month later and still no change in the percentage. My mileage for that period is 1398.5 of that this is the breakdown lowest risk 199.4 miles, low risk 960 miles, moderate risk 244.1 miles, no high risk miles. I have never received a check for Drivewise. I contacted Allstate to see if I can save some money. Allstate Rewards points never expire. Kelly, as an Allstate agent myself Im going to have to disagree with you. Not a smart investment. When you purchase a Milewise policy, youll put down a deposit using a credit card. Not so sure. 8% on his car is way less than 8% would be on my car. To sign up for Allstate Drivewise, you can speak with an Allstate agent or apply through the Drivewise mobile application. I think our combined discount comes to around $160/6 months. eventAction: window.location.href, When I first got it, you could go to the app or website and delete some of the negative scores. Lets explore usage based insurance discounts: A price reduction compared to the price, which that carrier would have charged you if the premium had been calculated using the conventional rating approach. Did I tell you that I live in South Floridawhere people do not know how to drive AND it thunderstorms every day around 5pm and I have to drive through construction on my commute to work. I mean who wouldnt want the lousy 3% discount from allstate all because you work for a police department and work afternoons. I recently started using Drivewise. Insurance companies exist primarily to make money. Interesting that they raised your premiums and then offered a discount. Thomas, not everyone drives as though it was their first day behind a wheel. your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed? NO! Even though now my legal name has changed, they insisted on putting my dead name and wrong gender on the original report. I live 3 miles from work and have put less than 1,200 miles on my car since signing up for drivewise so thought I was a shoe-in for a discount of near 30%. Not to mention the other drivers attorney in a civil action. I would probably draw the line at running over a human being or at least a small child to avoid braking too hard. I feel your frustration. Since youre penalized for driving between the hours of 11am and 10pm, it seems to me that no one would be able to get 30 percent off. You might be able to get affordable Allstate Drivewise auto insurance, but you wont know the price until after the monitoring process while running the program. Hes got an A on his breaking, B on mileage (always lots of miles to drive anywhere in FL) but time of day.give me a break.were retired! 4) the max discount is 30% for achieving low mileage (25-30 mi day), safe speeds, safe hours (no late night trips) and safe stops. I do my best. so it starts at 30% you dont work up to it. they were still great for homeowners price wise but the auto is just a joke. Since I routinely return home after 10pm. This program does not promote safe driving. Dont drive much? My husband alternates between afternoons and midnights and is penalized for driving to work or home from work as there is much less traffic on the road but yet it isnt in their drive time window. Milewise has limited availability, approved in 21 states and DC. According to their website, there arethree levels of risk within a 24 hour time frame: And, although I have never driven during the high risk time zone, I often drive during moderate risk hours. I got screwed royally by Drivewise. is my % i end up with at 6 months what i keep after that? It appeared that Allstate updated the device to be more sensitive and provide many more false braking events. ok, they now tell me braking will come off so no more brake events, only time of day, distance n speed. The insurance companies know exactly why you slam on the brakes. LOL. Speeds over 80 mph. A number of braking events well guess what, I tow.big clue. I have been using drive wise, and I agree with most comments, you have to be someone who doesnt drive much, is willing to run over someone so you dont have a breaking event, and work at night, but not drive during those high risk hours, whew!! As with anything consumers hear what they want to hear, in your case you heard 30% savings and tuned out the details of program. Despite the quantity of events, each of us received grades of A- for braking. she also told me the police do not check these things so the whys of braking dont matter to anyone but them n only for the discount. I thought maybe it was just a mistake cos ppl make mistakes so I went ahead with the plan. SO DOES CREDIT. Since Im guessing Your mama says you are According to my agent I had NO WE DO NOT get checks the discount came right off the premium as it stated right at the top of the renewal. First I know for a fact hard braking events that happen are NOT events at all there is no way I get 600 events and not know it. Apparently, there is a lot of confusion. Compare quotes from the top insurance companies and save! Updateits now been just about a year since my wife and I signed up for Drivewise. Allstate estimates drivers who travel fewer than 10,000 miles per year could save at least 20% over a traditional auto policy. Can anybody say STOOO PID! Allstate is phenomenal when it comes to accidents and stuff but their rates are insane. I must be a far worse driver because I have had three extreme braking events and three hard braking events in a little over a month. Since we are located in the desert, we dont experience extreme weather phenomenon. Non-Allstate customers can sign up for Drivewise and qualify for certain rewards. The insurance industry is always on the lookout for new information to use in their rating. Im not coming at anyone but all insurance companies raise rates based on claimsweather they are yours or not, credit, experience and so on. Rates increase based on general rate increases, accident surcharges etc. Im 23 years old and signed up for all state insurance for my first time.